
Welcome to the Groove Invader page ! Make Sound loops with online Videos Use Online Sounds already available Pianos, synths, guitars, basses and more There are now many sources of sounds that are available directly from the browser of your computer. These include piano sounds, string instruments, drum sounds and more. We created a simple device to control those sounds and make loops with them. This is a great way to start playing melodies with those sounds, you don't need to know how to play music because we have made it very simple. Make your Browser groove ! When you have loaded a website containing a online synthesizer, you can start playing a loop on the Groove Invader that will trigger notes on the online synthesizer. Some websites have drums and synths so you can control both at the same time. Groove Invader can control synthesisers but also online Drum sounds and there is also a mode to control videos, in video mode there are many sounds available since the audio coming from